
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021

English Course at College

English is a super important language in current times, beyond the fact that it is the most important language in the world, and that in most cases it helps us to communicate in countries where a common language is not spoken between two people. In general, i think that beyond the theory that they teach us in elementary school, about the tenses and conjugations of verbs.  True English is learned with the vocabulary of the native speaker. And the best way to learn this is by listening and reading things in english. A teacher once told me that the best way to really learn english was to see friends and listen to the beatles. Because one listening and reading in English has to understand or infer what they are saying, which would be very similar in a real situation of conversation with someone. That is why i am not a fan of works written in english, because since we are not native speakers, it is not so important to write texts because it is where we can get more help from the internet

Changes in the University

  The most changes I would make to a social work career. They would be more in regard to the focus of the study program, since it is basically focused on the work and planning of the academics. I think that it is not entirely good to orient yourself so much in that sense, since the academic world is very small and many times it is not related to the reality that affects people. Leading to debates that often come to nothing. What i would do would be to put more theory subjects and debates around the planning and execution of programs and public policies. Since they are areas where the investigation of points of view can help to create new techniques. I also think that currently the university is very focused on the debate on cultural impact, leaving bigger things aside. As well as in general the little physical space that there is in the university, the lack of places to rest, study, etc. In addition, the current dynamics within the university require a lot of work in groups, and

Travel for the summer holidays.

  I don’t really have plans of holiday for this summer. The actual situation of the world it’s a mystery, but a place I want to travel it’s the south of Chile. I’m from the north, so always the holidays are there, so I don’t know the south of Chile. So I dream with travel to the opposite situation I lived all my life, and know for example Torres del Paine, or Punta Arenas. Glaciar Perito Moreno in Argentina or something like that. The biggest think when I take a lot of photos it would be to the mountains, with a lot of trees.   Or the plains with the infinite roads when be a lot of animals in the road.   This kind of travels are perfectly to do it with friends, and doing camping in the places where it’s available like the National Park Torres del Paine, The main advantage of this is saving money, and enjoy the views, the connection with nature and other activities such as climbing hills, trekking, or making bonfires.   And beyond this, the south of Chile is gigantic, so if you do