The future about work in social work


One of my favorite idea for work in the future like a social work is in public institutions because, I think, is one of the best way to fight against the inequality. Being that in the most of the cases, the problems of the poverty in the society are generating in the programs of the Socials Institutions. So my perfect job would be in one of these organizations, I don’t really have problems to work in a office or in a computer, i'm used to working that way, by the way I really don´t talk a lot with the other people, so alone with my work I’m happy.

Really the job where i plan work in the future don’t really worry me, in Chile the works for recently graduated students there are not good, don’t pay too much, anyway. Always the first job no are the definitive condition to think at the future or achieve being able to become independent, or anyway plan of that kind.

The best option of the first years working is saving money to study a major, or a magister, other language, etc. They are options that they can grow up your conditions like a person, and as a professional. In my case, I’m studying Italian for the future.


  1. You're righ, it's very difficult to get a job just graduated, I hope everything works out for you!

  2. I think your aspiration is what every social worker should aspire to, I wish I had your desire to change the world!


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