Urbanism as a subject to study in the future.

 One of the things that i would like to study once i graduate, would be a master's degree or diploma with respect to Urbanism. I think it is a very important area to study to understand complex social systems, and the way the city is made. In addition to the various theories and plans that exist for city designs, it is a topic that I love since the quality of life of different groups of people is always changing by the city in each people live. Personally, i would like to work once i graduate and raise money to study in any foreign country, i know French and Italian so i think that a course in those languages ​​could help me to study. 

In addition, the educational system in other countries is more flexible than here in Chile, so young adults are given opportunities and benefits that do not exist here. In the same way, i think that a semester or annual course in person is one of the best ways to learn from another point of view, and debates that don't exist in the chilean reality. In addition, continuing to study gives new possibilities  professionally and personally, capacities that can be better paid. Another thing that i would like to study would be to improve the area of ​​study of quantitative research that in Social Sciences there are not many professionals specialized in this area.




Superislas de Barcelona, un modelo de ciudad sano y sostenible



  1. Urbanism it's really interesting,,above all when you see cities like Barcelona and its perfection and symmetri--Santiago needs that kind of minds wich can think about urban planification --everything gets inundated with just when a few raindrops fall

  2. How it must be spectacular to know other languages, that could open many doors.

  3. the subject of urban planning is very interesting, no city is built just like that, there is always a socio-historical context behind it that is important to understand, I hope you do well in that!


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