
English Course at College

English is a super important language in current times, beyond the fact that it is the most important language in the world, and that in most cases it helps us to communicate in countries where a common language is not spoken between two people. In general, i think that beyond the theory that they teach us in elementary school, about the tenses and conjugations of verbs.  True English is learned with the vocabulary of the native speaker. And the best way to learn this is by listening and reading things in english. A teacher once told me that the best way to really learn english was to see friends and listen to the beatles. Because one listening and reading in English has to understand or infer what they are saying, which would be very similar in a real situation of conversation with someone. That is why i am not a fan of works written in english, because since we are not native speakers, it is not so important to write texts because it is where we can get more help from the internet

Changes in the University

  The most changes I would make to a social work career. They would be more in regard to the focus of the study program, since it is basically focused on the work and planning of the academics. I think that it is not entirely good to orient yourself so much in that sense, since the academic world is very small and many times it is not related to the reality that affects people. Leading to debates that often come to nothing. What i would do would be to put more theory subjects and debates around the planning and execution of programs and public policies. Since they are areas where the investigation of points of view can help to create new techniques. I also think that currently the university is very focused on the debate on cultural impact, leaving bigger things aside. As well as in general the little physical space that there is in the university, the lack of places to rest, study, etc. In addition, the current dynamics within the university require a lot of work in groups, and

Travel for the summer holidays.

  I don’t really have plans of holiday for this summer. The actual situation of the world it’s a mystery, but a place I want to travel it’s the south of Chile. I’m from the north, so always the holidays are there, so I don’t know the south of Chile. So I dream with travel to the opposite situation I lived all my life, and know for example Torres del Paine, or Punta Arenas. Glaciar Perito Moreno in Argentina or something like that. The biggest think when I take a lot of photos it would be to the mountains, with a lot of trees.   Or the plains with the infinite roads when be a lot of animals in the road.   This kind of travels are perfectly to do it with friends, and doing camping in the places where it’s available like the National Park Torres del Paine, The main advantage of this is saving money, and enjoy the views, the connection with nature and other activities such as climbing hills, trekking, or making bonfires.   And beyond this, the south of Chile is gigantic, so if you do

Basketball in my childwood.

  A sport i would like when i was child it’s the basketball.   I think the basketball it’s a exciting sport, when all the players must be attack and defend, that versatility you can’t see it in any sport. Began to watch the NBA a few years ago open my eyes about this sport, obviously they are professional player, but see Lebron James, Kevin Durant, Giannis Antetokoumpo, it’s a show and these players uses their bodies to the maximum level, jumping, running, etc. Also the basketball needs a lot of technique because, first you need to be tall, be 1.80 meters is too small, the player of that tall play on the guard position they are the shooters of the team to get the three points. Meanwhile the power forward and the center are the taller players of the team and play down the rim. These player must be 2.0 meters or taller to play in that position. So here in Chile the people are too small, it’s difficult to see someone over 1.9 or 2.0 to play in that position.     I’m 1.83 and with my f

Urbanism as a subject to study in the future.

  One of the things that i would like to study once i graduate, would be a master's degree or diploma with respect to Urbanism. I think it is a very important area to study to understand complex social systems, and the way the city is made. In addition to the various theories and plans that exist for city designs, it is a topic that I love since the quality of life of different groups of people is always changing by the city in each people live. Personally, i would like to work once i graduate and raise money to study in any foreign country, i know French and Italian so i think that a course in those languages ​​could help me to study.  In addition, the educational system in other countries is more flexible than here in Chile, so young adults are given opportunities and benefits that do not exist here. In the same way, i think that a semester or annual course in person is one of the best ways to learn from another point of view, and debates that don't exist in the chilean reali

The future about work in social work

  One of my favorite idea for work in the future like a social work is in public institutions because, I think, is one of the best way to fight against the inequality. Being that in the most of the cases, the problems of the poverty in the society are generating in the programs of the Socials Institutions. So my perfect job would be in one of these organizations, I don’t really have problems to work in a office or in a computer, i'm used to working that way, by the way I really don´t talk a lot with the other people, so alone with my work I’m happy. Really the job where i plan work in the future don’t really worry me, in Chile the works for recently graduated students there are not good, don’t pay too much, anyway. Always the first job no are the definitive condition to think at the future or achieve being able to become independent , or anyway plan of that kind. The best option of the first years working is saving money to study a major, or a magister, other language, etc. T

Why i study Social Work

  Really when i was 18, i don’t really know what to study. In the school I was very lazy, and I did not pay attention in class , but my califications were good. My dad is a math teacher in the college, so numbers are always in my life, but I think he was always teaching me math started that no like it the subject, but I understand the ejercicies and I had good califications. So in the last year of high school, I like a lot reading and Latino American literature, in the dead times between Preuniversitario and lessons I read a lot of books, like Roberto Bolaño, Julio Cortazar, Borgues, Vargas Llosa, etc. So the most possible choice to study was study literature, or Castellan Teacher but I was not sure of that, because I saw the reality in the public schools and the precariousness in these schools. Two weeks before the PSU, I saw in these pages of careers the Social Sciences, was Sociology, Anthropology,   etc. No one really caught my attention, buy Social Work did it because was t